Skies Above

My random thoughts, ideas, and just me.

Friday, June 27, 2003

Today went well... Sort of a change from the past week. Now, all I need is to get tomorrow over with soon - I somehow let myself get sucked into helping my sister and brother-in-law move into their new house.

That means (Oh joy!) I get stuck moving their shit all day long, probably only getting paid $100 at most, at the same time.

Oh well... $100 is better than nothing. If even that...

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Welp, just woke up... Strange dreams, I can say that much.

Never did get anything finished yesterday. Collapsed on the waterbed, instead.

Got better things to do, anyhow... Like visit Destin tomorrow and go to the East Pass for some nice beaches. If you've never been there, well, you're just missing out...

Can't wait to head back over there.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Well, while I'm still in the mood to update stuff, if you want to talk with me... You can always find me on StarChat. It's an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network that's been around for years, and is accessible through mIRC or pIRCh by

Just a plug for the network I work on :-)

Well, haven't gotten any sleep at all. It's Monday morning and I've been up for over 24 hours. So much to do today, and my reaction time is getting longer. I really should have went to bed earlier... Oh well, at least I'll get a good night's rest tonight.

Also, if you want to spam my comment script with ghey shit that no one cares about... Go right ahead! I'll just hit the "Delete All" button and everything you wrote goes away forever. :-)