Skies Above

My random thoughts, ideas, and just me.

Friday, December 26, 2003

Merry Christmas. Hope everyone's holiday was full of happiness and joy.

How did mine go, you ask?

I go to bed at 3 AM Christmas morning, wake up at 1:30 PM. Tony comes over and eats Christmas dinner with me, consisting of a deep fried turkey in peanut oil, injected with garlic and herb marinade, and mashed potatoes with onion topped rolls and some other dishes.

We sit out by the fire in the back yard for a few hours, then he goes home.

That's about it. Nothing really happened. Didn't get anything for Christmas either, except my father saying he'd mail me some cash soon, which is cool.

So it's 2:43 AM again, and I think I'll be going to bed.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to Crestview I go.


Okay, got that out of my sys.... WORK SUCKS

Well anyway.

Today I go to Crestview! 18 miles up US Highway 85 past Interstate 10. Great, you know why? Because all of the telephone wire that gets installed up there, anything above I-10, is shielded cable. This means IT IS FUCKING HEAVY and HURTS when you lift THREE spools of it into a vehicle to transport it.

So, I reiterate: WORK SUCKS DUDE

But there's always a bright side to it all.

I just can't seem to find it right now... Oh wait, I don't have to work tomorrow but I have to work TODAY.. So much for the "holiday" season.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Just took a personality test...

Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 3 Ambition |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 4 Sensitivity |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 8 Hostility |||||||||||| 46%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Your Conscious-Surface type is 9w1
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 1w2
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Went out and bought a cheap Christmas tree by procrastinating until the 22nd of December. Kellys sold them for $5.

Not a bad price for a good looking tree. I'm doing this again next year. Fuck spending $120 for a tree when I can spend $5 for it!

Haven't done much lately. Work, eat, sleep... Work, work, sleep... Eat, sleep, work... Sleep, work, eat... That's what my life has come down to being as of late.

Blissful monotony...

If it weren't so cold outside, I would probably go take a swim in the ocean.

Just a few more months...

Monday, December 22, 2003


Aircraftkiller: Then they get mad when I tell them to fuck off and learn on their own, like I had to
Michiru S Kaioh: Many people want a short cut,
Aircraftkiller: Forgive my rudeness, but they can take that shortcut and shove it up their ass if they think I'm going to wait on them hand and foot and teach them everything
Aircraftkiller: If it were a friend, I wouldn't mind helping them
Aircraftkiller: But a random stranger saying "omg halp me or j00 sux0r n00b" over and over... no.
Michiru S Kaioh: Ick ><;
Aircraftkiller: I get that often
Michiru S Kaioh: Does that sort of talk even make sense?
Aircraftkiller: It's known as "hacker speak"
Aircraftkiller: Or "elite speak"
Aircraftkiller: Or in a 12 year old's term... "numbars for lettars!!1"
Aircraftkiller: If you don't know, "elite speak" takes letters and replaces them with numbers or ASCII art that looks like the original letter
Michiru S Kaioh: So.. is joo a word? Oo;
Aircraftkiller: Like, 1 for L, 4 for A, 3 for E
Aircraftkiller: 0 for o
Aircraftkiller: And they replace letters with other letters, too
Aircraftkiller: Like you = j00 or y00
Michiru S Kaioh: How does that make sense? ><;
Aircraftkiller: Don't ask me, idiots make sense out of a lot of things
Michiru S Kaioh: h03s thop m4hr s3ns3?
Aircraftkiller: Or in 13375p34k, "D0n'7 45|< /\/\3, 1d1075 /\/\4|<3 53/\/53 0|_|7 0F 4 107 0F 7|-| 1/\/G5
Aircraftkiller: LOL that looks so stupid
Aircraftkiller: What'dyou just say? I couldn't decipher it :-)
Michiru S Kaioh: I asked if "does this make sense?" ^^; And what in Hell's name did you say? XD
Aircraftkiller: lol
Aircraftkiller: I translated what "Don't ask me, idiots make sense out of a lot of things" into 13375p34k

Sunday, December 21, 2003

I'm finding it difficult to continue writing here, as of late. I'm not depressed, I'm just coming to realize some things that I can't really say. Seems like this is all pointless. Not as if many people read it, anyway...

Krystle is still over at Hotaru's place in New Mexico... She's been there for two weeks, finally going back home tomorrow. Hopefully I can talk to her soon and see what's going on. We've said a few things, but she can't spend much more than a few minutes online per every few days.

It's going to be nice to meet up with everyone again, soon...

Leave some thoughts, please, as to whether or not I should close this blog down permanently and move on somewhere else, like, where everyone else I associate with is located...