Damn it all. I screwed up my sleeping schedule ONCE AGAIN. It's 4:30 AM as I write this, and gee whiz, it'll be 4:44 again soon. I never seem to have enough strength to wake up earlier than I should be, as in getting up at 9 AM after sleeping for three hours... I just roll over and go back to sleep if I set the alarm at all. Go figure...
Strangely though, I had one hell of a dream today when I overslept again. Apparently, Michiru was in the dream with me. How she got there, I have no clue - she's up in Canada while I'm down here in Florida. Basically, I dreamt of visiting her for some reason. Her and a few of the other Soldiers. After walking into her home (Invited, of course. I never barge in on anyone, even in a dream.), I started talking with her for a while.
Shortly thereafter, I could hear thunder in the distance. It had become stronger and more audible with every moment that passed. She muttered something under her breath and handed me a sword, a rather peculiar one. Instinctively, I looked out the window, and something shot at me. Ducking under the window itself, I pulled out the sword and said some words, which I can't remember... The sword came to life, sparkling with electricity, and I said something else and pointed it at the attacker, which I couldn't make out. Lightning bolts struck it, and instantly destroyed it.
After that happened, I woke up - with a raging thunderstorm outside.
I know it means something. I just wish I could say *what* it means, without having to elaborately lie to twist the reality of the situation around.
Sort of like what I'm doing, right now.