Skies Above

My random thoughts, ideas, and just me.

Friday, August 08, 2003

Whew. Connection's been fizzing out all day, probably some issues with the router at Valapariso Communications. Gets annoying to have to sit there and restart the cable modem and computer to get the connection up and running again.

Spent all day yesterday raining. Nothing but rain. I love that! Too bad it's not happening today.

Radio tower is still fucked up... hmm, still wondering why it's doing that. I normally wouldn't care about such trivial things, but it happens to be shining directly into the house at night.

Radio relay towers are always awesome things, though. Most people can't even begin to understand that they're more than just some tower standing there, but they also provide needed telecommunications services. Not only that, but the design of them is just really impressive. It's hard to believe that a 500 foot tall metal tower is held up by thin metal wires dug into the ground, and can withstand hurricanes and other natural disasters, except tornadoes; of course.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Did a bunch of work yesterday morning, then ended up getting pretty sleepy, so I decided to take a nap... well, a three hour nap turned into a twelve hour snore because I woke up in the middle of the night. Go figure, goddamn alarm clock didn't get me up.

So now I'm stuck being awake right now, at 4:40 AM, not tired at all... whee

When I woke up, the radio tower across the bay was on the fritz... apparently the computer mechanism timing the bluish blinking light for daytime and the reddish pulsing light for night time fucked up, and now the blue light is flashing super fast... The water on the bay was tossing the normally un-seen light into the house, illuminating it enough to cast an eiree flashing effect in the house.

Felt like something out of System Shock's Maintenance Level.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Time to hit the sack, once again... I swear if I fuck up my sleeping schedule any more lately, I'm gonna end up with permanent insomnia... a real pleasant thought, of course.

If it would stop raining lately, I might actually head into the bay and take a dive for a few hours... yet the water is all brownish colored from the rain we've had and I doubt I'd want to be swimming in it, as the bacterium count is pretty high.

I need to take my siamese cat to the vet, and soon... She's in heat for like the third time within five months, and it's incredibly annoying to hear her meowing every few seconds.

Monday, August 04, 2003

Kinda funny that I end up getting in an argument with someone I've known for a while, then we start fighting and eventually figure out that we're going to be friends, regardless.

It works, I suppose.

*yawn* I'm definitely going to go to bed...

Sunday, August 03, 2003

So Krystle is STILL out of the picture... I don't get what's taking her father so long to get her back online. I really miss her... known her the longest I've known anyone online, getting close to two and a half years now. One of my best friends I've had in a long time.

Damn I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed...