This is my last post here. I've moved my blog to LiveJournal.
The link is
If you did, indeed, have me linked - you'll need to change it over.
My random thoughts, ideas, and just me.
This is my last post here. I've moved my blog to LiveJournal.
I woke up to an overcast sky today. Grey outside, light rain, signs of a front moving through.
I stayed up way too late again, as it's now 3:40 AM and I most likely will have to work tomorrow... Err, today...
I feel so extraordinary
I'm so lonely on my way,
Leslie was talking to me earlier, and we got to the subject of photographs again.. I took another one for her.
Looks like I get to spend a good part of tomorrow cleaning out my Chevy Lumina. I need to vacuum the carpet and treat it with the carpet cleaner...
I'm really tired right now. Almost enough to just go to sleep. Normally I don't "just get tired" like this...
I'm going hunting for another job, and soon. After quitting with Sprint doing contractor work for laying down phone lines, I'll be happy to find anything decent around here.
It's a pretty cool feeling to learn that someone you've known for two years might just be one of the best friends you'll ever have in life.